Sunday 5 February 2017

Happy Birthday Mama!

Wohooo Happy Birthday 🎉 dear Mother @officialfaithoyedepo Thanks for being a sweet mother, mother in law and grandmother. We remain grateful for our privileged connection. May this new year be one with a difference in every sense of the Word. We love you to pieces!!! Keep going from strength to strength and keep shining. You will fulfil the number of your days in Jesus name, amen! Remain a crown of beauty in the hand of the Lord, and a royal diadem in the hand of our God (Isaiah 62:3). We salute you today & forever! You rock!!!! Join us to celebrate this amazing woman! #theoyedepojnrs #birthdaymama #weremaingrateful #amazinggrandma #sweetmother #awesomemotherinlaw #itsyourbirthday #enjoy

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