Thursday 9 February 2017

Anjoyin is one!

ANJOYINOLUWA EYINJUOLUWA EBUNOLUWSIMIOJOMILOJU, where do i begin? One year ago, at about 5:50pm, I heard your sweet cry for the first time. The sweetest sound I love to hear after going through the tough huddles of labour. One year ago, I spent the night staring at your precious face, thanking God for another great blessing. I am a mom. Something I have always dreamed of being. Because of your big sister and you, I know the deepest meaning of love. Because of you both, I strive to be the best I can be. Because of you both, I feel complete. It’s amazing to see how much you have changed over the past year. You went from the little 3.5kg baby to a walking and playful one year old. You went from reaching at objects on your play mat to learning how to wavy bye bye and give high fives. You went from baby cooes to babbling to your first words, daddy and mama. You went from rolling, to crawling to walking! I am so proud to call you both mine.
I know that God has a purpose for you both and He is going to use you to do amazing things. I hope that no matter what you do and where you go, you know you’re never alone. I hope you have the confidence to be who you want to be. I hope that you have the courage to go after your dreams and determination to not give up. I hope that you are brave when faced with challenges. I hope that you have compassion for others and a giving heart. Most of all, I hope that you get the most out of this life you’ve been blessed with. No matter what, I will always be here for you both. Happy 1st birthday, my precious daughter. I love you to the moon and back. Love, Mommy

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